Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hello all! I've been spending the week in MO with my sisters and family. We've had a blessed time together. The new year is set to bring some exciting changes to my business! Don and I bought a new house that has a 400 sq ft studio area arranged perfectly! I'm SO excited!! We don't close on the new house for another 3 weeks, but when we do I'll be posting the new address and location. It's right off of 68-80, so it should be a good location for most of you!! The address will be Hopkinsville.

The best part of this arrangement is no more dragging furniture around to make room for pictures. Also, a lot of you know that you've had to come after hours to order and that my husband has had to retreat to a bedroom with the kids. No more of that! We will be able to meet and they can function as usual. :)

Happy New Year!! God Bless you! I look forward to helping you make many new memories to keep in 2009, Always.... Sally